Dr. Ian E. Cummings

Mentoring Agreement

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We are undertaking a voluntary mentoring relationship for our mutual beneļ¬t. Our intention is to spend most of our time in effective development activities. To ensure clarity, and to maximize the likelihood of a successful outcome, we have agreed the following terms for this relationship.

Conļ¬dentiality We will honor personal and professional conļ¬dences, and we will at all times seek to maintain a relationship built on mutual trust, respect, and conļ¬dentiality.

Blank Form (#4)

Contact Information

(To determine whether the relationship is mutually beneļ¬cial, and whether any aspect needs to be addressed.)
Ā  Ā  Ā This mentoring agreement sets out the terms of how we will co-operate. We agree to commit to the speciļ¬ed period and to make all efforts in good faith to resolve any issues that arise between us during the term of this agreement.

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